Poncho Promotion for Schools
The promotion has just finished for the 2019/20 season. As a result the following schools have benefited by way of sponsorship back to their schools for the following amounts.
Waitaki Valley $682.00
Duntroon $1026.25
Papakaio $938.00
Five Forks $507.50
Glenavy $1539.00
Omarama $1514.85
Weston $467.50
St Josephs $530.00
Maheno $235.00
Total $7440.10
A grand total of $12,856.10 has been donated back to local schools over the past 3 years, many thanks for your support and we look forward to next season.
Winter Lucerne Clean Up
Now is the time to be thinking about a winter weed spray on your Lucerne Stands
Contact one of our field team for a paddock inspection and recommendation.