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NOPS Newsletter July 2022

Welcome to our 16th edition of "From the Field" bought to you by North Otago Pastoral Services. The following information has been selected due to its relevance specifically to the North Otago region.

Maize silage – the supplement of choice

Maize silage is the supplement of choice for a growing number of farmers. That’s because it delivers a number of unequalled farm systems and environmental benefits. These include:


1. Maize is a low cost feed.

With the air of uncertainty around imported feeds in both the short and long term, now is a good time to explore alternatives. Planting an extra paddock in maize at home, or ordering more maize silage in, may be all that’s needed. Maize silage is the ideal supplement to pasture. It helps you maintain high production and milk quality when your feed levels dip. While the price of imported supplements varies according to global demand, changes in the exchange rate and shipping costs. Maize can be grown in high fertility soils (including effluent paddocks), without the need for additional fertiliser (no base, starter or sidedress).

2. Maize is dependable.

Maize is a drought tolerant crop that produces reliable yields even under dry growing conditions. Maize silage can be stored on-farm for several seasons providing a quality feed, at a cost-effective price when it is needed most.

3. Maize is an excellent supplement for milkers, dry cows and heifers.

It can be used to extend lactation and fill feed deficits increasing per cow and per hectare production. Maize silage is the premium cow conditioner because it can be fed safely in high volumes and energy from maize silage is used 50% more efficiently for gaining body condition score than energy in autumn pasture. Maize silage is an excellent option to ensure heifers meet their growth targets.

4. Maize is environmentally sustainable.

The maize plant has a nitrogen and water use efficiency approximately three times that of pasture. Feeding maize silage in conjunction with high protein pasture dilutes dietary protein and reduces nitrogen excretion by the cow. The combination of maize silage and a feed-pad can reduce the quantity of nitrogen leached per kilogram of milksolids.


To find out about adding more maize to your farm system, contact your local Pioneer representative, call 0800 PIONEER or visit our website

BA Pumps & Sprayers

$8048.85 including GST

(Protection Bar as shown an extra $189.75 including GST)

Sprayers are now back in stock

Early Bird Specials

Staff Profile

Campbell Harvie Trainee Agronomist/Field Representative

Originating from Scotland, Campbell grew up on an arable farm and soon developed a strong interest in crop science and how different variables affect crop performance and yield. Campbell left home after graduating with a Bachelor of Science (BSc) with honours in Agriculture to follow the summers and to farm around the world. After completing a harvest season in Canada, Campbell came to New Zealand in October 2019 and soon became settled working for an agriculture contractor until joining us on the 5th July 2021.

Contact one of our agronomists today for all your field requirements