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NOPS Newsletter June 2023

Welcome to our 19th edition of "From the Field" bought to you by North Otago Pastoral Services. The following information has been selected due to its relevance specifically to the North Otago region.

Poncho Promotion for Schools 2022/2023 Season

For the past 6 years we have run the ‘Poncho for Schools’ promotion.
When clients purchase custom mixed seed then it is ‘Poncho’ treated. We donate $5 per hectare back to the local client’s school of choice.

This year the following schools have received the following donations:

Waitaki Valley School            $549.00
Duntroon School                   $529.50
Papakaio School                   $1,032.50
Omarama School                  $1,843.50
Weston School                      $380.00
Maheno School                     $45
Five Forks School                 $760.50
Glenavy School                     $1,612.50
Totara School                        $50.00

Total for the season       $6,802.50

Total donated for the last 6 years $30,932.10

New Chemistry for Lucerne Winter Weed Clean-up

Chateau, a herbicide offered by Nufarm Ltd for use in the horticultural sector has a new label for use on Lucerne. This is exciting for every lucerne grower as it has some major differences to other chemistry on the market.
After a fantastic autumn for most, we have turned sharply to winter, and with that our thoughts go to maintaining Lucerne stands. With a season of ups and downs behind us, lucerne paddocks are heading into winter with good late growth, but with it, also plenty of weeds.

Majority of lucerne spraying is performed June-August with Paraquat based products (Gramoxone) used to burn down annual weed foliage, often mixed with a Triazine herbicide (Nutrazine/Terb/Sencor) to assist in control and provide some long-term suppression. Each triazine has a slightly different weed spectrum, the length and strength of residual control also varies due to a number of factors. Generally over time we see a spectrum of weeds develop which aren’t well controlled by these options, limiting production, longevity and usefulness of the stand.
While assessing paddocks for spray recommendations I have found it positive having Chateau as an option this season. The active ingredient in Chateau stems from a different family of chemistry to other options, and indications are the weed suppression through the season will be very tidy. In addition, the listed spectrum of weeds controlled is long and includes a few of our long-term problems. Although it is early in the season, I am enjoying having an option for situations that previously we couldn’t do much for.
Its good to see new chemistry making it through the registration process, at North Otago Pastoral our Reps have been trained up on Chateau, so if needed we are ready to see it put to use in your paddocks, improving the productivity of your lucerne for years to come.

Matthew Paton

Early Bird Milk Powder Deal

Order your Milligans  Classic CMR before the 30th June and receive deferred payment and freight free to Farm

Fencing Specials

14FT Economy Gate

Made in New Zealand 

$149.95 plus gst 
Limited time only

HT Wire 2.5mm

$85 plus gst per coil


5FT Waratahs & 5’6 Waratahs 

$7.95 plus gst each

Limed time only 


5FT Waratahs & 5’6 Waratahs 

$7.95 plus gst each
Limed time only

For all your growing requirements contact your local team at North Otago Pastoral.