Spring time
Spring time is a wonderful time of year. The weather starts to improve, longer sunny days, new life with lambs and calves, new growth for your pasture, but this is also the time of year for those pesky weeds to grow, now is the time to get on top of the problem.
Weed Control
It seems so long ago, and given how the last 6 months has played out, one of the key takeaways from the 2019/2020 season was that we need to place more emphasis on accuracy around spray-out. Wind, hot and cold days played a major role in making weed spraying difficult during the late spring and summer, but the thought which kept coming back to me was – “how much of this stuff got through our spray-out/cultivation programme”.
Shaded Tillers: every tiller of grass is its own plant, independent of the tiller it separated from a few days ago. If you don’t have leaf present for all of these tillers you will get recovery following the spray. When do grasses do most their Tillering? – The simple answer is Spring time.
Root Systems: this is where the technology associated with the improved formulations is a clear winner. Single salt formulations generally have the old technology surfactants, regardless of the strength of the glyphosate in the product. This limits the products ability to push the chemical through the plant and into the root system. A good job is a cost-effective job and if we are recommending a high specification product it’s to make sure we get the most value out of the job.
Spectrum Escapes: the list of the things that Glyphosates does not control well is growing a little longer each year, more and more we are looking at various spikes to catch everything in the paddock and leave options open for what you are sowing this time – and for the next time.
The key to all the above issues is that the team of North Otago Pastoral Services is here to make sure you get the most out of our product and your crop.
Matthew Paton
Contact one of our field team for a paddock inspection and recommendation.

“Sports Club” Promotion
We are again running our “Sports club” promotion from the 1st August until the 31st December 2020
For every 1kg Granstar purchased we will donate $20/box back to the sports club of your choice.
For every 2 x boxes 150g Harmony we will donate $10 back to the sports club of your choice.
Aoraki Calf Meal

High Octane Plus
Ideal as a starter diet and is often fed the whole season. Protein sources are canola oil and peas, two products that are high in digestible protein. Energy sources are barley, wheat, molasses, and canola oil. Also included are limestone, salt, vitamins, minerals and Bovatec / Lassalocid A4395 for coccidiosis control.
Low Protein Plus
Suitable for weaned calves when spring grass is high in protein. Made using the same ingredients as in “High Octane Aoraki Calf Meal”, formulated to have lower protein. Once your calf is grazing spring pasture it is more important to maintain energy whilst the calf’s rumen is increasing in size. To achieve a high energy level the raw materials need to be highly digestible and a balance of ingredients is beneficial. The range of protein sources used gives the correct balance of amino acids.
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